Robin Thicke (eller hans skivbolag) ville göra pr för nya skivan och lanserade hashtaggen #AskThicke. Eftersom sociala medier är svåra att kontrollera blev resultatet både träffsäkert och ganska roligt:#askThicke when you “wrote” Blurred Lines did you do a jump and say “wow! Men and those other objects are going to love this!”?#askThickeHow do you think your ex-wife feels about you exploiting your divorce to write incredibly creepy songs about wanting her back? #AskThicke Do you need some lessons in using social media? If you say “No”, we both know that actually means “Yes”.#AskThicke When you’re not busy objectifying women, making light of rape and justifying sexual violence, how do you like to relax?#AskThicke What form of sexual or emotional abuse will you be normalising in your next jaunty hit? Read more